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Q I Have Been Offered A Job In September 1970
driving a 16-ton-gross 24ft platform lorry. August 30 1970 being my 21st birthday. Could I drive this ion',' on September 1 and then take an h.g.v. test later on when I get more......
Q Could You Tell Me If There Are Any Books
on the subject of training for personnel employed on mechanical handling equipment? A The British Industrial Truck Association, Glen House. Stag Place, London, SW1, produces a......
G I Understand That A "gas-heater"
suitable for use on a commercial vehicle is available. Could you please tell me the name and address of the manufacturer? A An oil-fired heater is used in some Bristol and......
G I Note That Cm States That From October 15-25,
the International Motor Show will be held at Earls Court. Is this the Commercial Vehicle Show or the Car Show? A The international Motor Show at Earls Court from October 15 to......
Q I Understand That A Well-known Car Ferry Was At
one time powered by semi-diesel engines. Could you explain the principle of the semi-diesel? A The engines you mention must have been produced a great many years ago but the......
I Am A Student Attending Leeds University (department Of...
Engineering). During our final year we are given a design project to carry out. The problem I am faced with is the design of a two/four-wheel drive transfer gearbox, as a......