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Delays And Damage Lose Traffic For Railways
A REPRESENTATIVE of the Walpamur Manufacturing Co., at Darwen, supporting an application by F. Wearing and Co., of Blackburn, for permission to acquire two extra 5-ton vehicles,......
T.r.t.a. Gaining Strength Rapidly Tt Is Announced By The...
Road 'Transport Association that during this year a considerable increase in membership has been secured, . and this is continuing. Quite clearly, whatever the outcome of the......
I.r.t.e. Presideni Lectures At Lees (in March 27 The...
of the Institut I of Road Transport Engineers, Mr. G. Mackenzie Junnei, M.I.A.E., gave a lantern lecture on -Swedish road transport before a number of members of the N.E. branch......
New Slant On Advertising
A LTHOUGH there are no opportunities for sponsored, broadcasting by advertisers in this country, the appeal of recorded sound can still be exploited as a supplement to Press......
Bradfords In 70 Countries
B RADFORD vehicles have been exported to over 70 countries, from China in the east to Vancouver in the west, and from Cape Town in the south to Iceland in the north, said Mr.......
Tynemouth Haulage Rates
r ryNEMOUTH Cleansing Committee I has accepted additional tenders for the hire of vehicles in the year ending March 24, 1948, at the following rates per hour:-30-cwt. lorries,......
Bi-metals For Thermostats
A NEW 45-page publication on the temperature sensitive bi-metals (Thermometals) produced by the H. A. Wilson Co. in U.S.A., has been issued by Henry Wiggin and Co , Ltd.,......
Over 1,000 Roadside Telephones Available
1VIORE than 1,000.000 new keys came LV/ into use on April 1, when the road-side telephone box services of the Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Association were made......
Class Warfare Must End Says Mr. J. R. Cl Es
/112. J R. CLYNES, firmer Labour IVI Cabinet Minister, an wering greetings on his 78th birthday, on March 27 made a plea for co-oper tion between workers and employers anti for......
Half-mile Procession
O VER 250 vehicles, stretching for half a mile, took part in an anti-nationalization demonstration organized by the Nottingham branch of the Road Haulage Association in......
Weather Did Not Stop Milk Supplies
(IF all the many praiseworthy efforts ' 'kJ to overcome the difficulties caused by the recent snow, frost, fogs, ice, gales and floods, those of the drivers of milk tankers were......