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What The Danes Charge For Haulage I As1 November The
Danish Govern ment fixed maximum rates for road haulage, one level for Copenhagen and another, slightly lower, for the rest of L he country. For vehicles with a capacity under......
Tool For Stud Extraction
A NEW tool designed for eitracting studs is being made by E. R. Varney, Ltd., 281, Western Bank, Sheffield, 10, and distributed by Hinsdale Distributing Co., 9-11, Holywell......
No Tax Relief I T Would Be Impracticable For A
remis sion of vehicle taxation to be granted to transport companies in cases where their lorries have been inoperative for several weeks because of bad weather. The Chancellor......
A Reference Book For The Engineer
A PROFUSELY illustrated volume, "Internal Combustion Engines," has been published by Odhams Press, Ltd., at 9s. 6d. Although the average maintenance engineer will find in this......
Executives Speak tip \/OMEN transport executives came VV into their own when the Women's Traffic Club of Great Britain held a dinner in London last week. Mrs. L. Stirling, a......