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C-licensees Will Ruin B.t.c.— Major Crawfurd
A WARNING against complacency on the part of C-licensees was given by Major H. E Crawfurd, A.F.C., vicepresident of the National Road Transport Federation, at a meeting in High......
Was Container Part Of Lorry?
WHEN Joseph Nixon and Richard W Davison, of Simonburn, both farmers, also trading as Nixon and Co., haulage contractors, were summoned at Hexham (Northumberland) Petty Sessions......
A Handbook For Servicing
U ISEFUL to the maintenance man in ■ •••/ charge of vehicle electrical systems is a new book in the Modern Car Easy Guide Series, No. 4, "Electrical Parts of Car.'' Copiously......
Freeing More Tolls
H IGHWAY authorities are being asked by the Minister of Transport to 6o-operate with him in a drive to free toll roads and bridges. He is taking active steps to eliminate those......
Five-day Week Delays Transport
A LL industrial concerns operating a five-day week are urged by the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to have a receiver of goods on their premises each......
Latest Information On Tim Ber
'TWO recent publications of the 1 Timber Development Association, 75, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4, will be of interest to coachbuilders and others. The first, "Chemical......
1250,000 Three-year Plan For Dundee Transport
D UNDEE Transport Committee has approved a three-year plan for improving the city's transport services, the cost of which will total £250,000. A plan of new and revised routes......
Professional Link: Strengthened Nmembership Increases Of...
were reported at the annual general meeting of the Institute of Traffic Administration, in Leicester, last Saturday (March 29). Membership in various grades had, it was stated,......
R.h.a. Needs Data For Deputation
H AULlERS whose businesses are not likely to be acciaired under the. Transport Bill are being asked by Mr. E. A. Whitehead, of the Road Haulage Association's North-western......
Hammering Away Qpeaker At An Anti-nationalization...
Edinburgh, at 7.45 p.m., to-night (April 4), will be Lord John Hope. The meeting will be under the auspices of the North Midlothian Unionist Association and the R.H.A. film will......