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Best Of Luck Tim And John
AFTER RECEIVING a few copies of CM during one of our few-and-far-between visits allowed by relatives, my cell mate read with great interest the letter from Tim Andrews, the......
What Price Van Insurance?
AS AN AVID reader of CM for many years, I am impressed with the new format. Just back from a job in France and catching up on news in last week's issue,! was interested in the......
Old Times, Same Industry
I WAS A truck driver for over 40 years but sadly, in 2000,1 had to take early retirement due to having two strokes while driving home on the M6 near Hilton Park. Since then,!......
History Test
Regarding your Scania roadtest (CM 30 October).! would like to know when you think Scania made its UK debut? You write about Scanias not being "fleet" trucks untilTesco operated......