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Axle Weight Decision: Bridges Too Weak
• If the EEC Council of Ministers settled on 11 or 11+ metric tons as the Community axle weight the British Government would be compelled to accept international transport......
'very Worthwhile' Cm Seminars
• Some 85 per cent of the directors and managers who attended CM's first seminar of the 1972 season voted it "very worthwhile" — the highest possible rating — on their......
Crawley Ldoy
• Mr Alan Ransom has taken over the secretaryship of the Crawley eliminating round of the LDoY competition and inquiries should be addressed to him at Commercial Transport......
Diesel Discussion
• "Noise, Dirt and the Diesel" is the title of a one-day conference sponsored by the Automobile Engineer at the Cafe Royal, London, on March 23. Intended to bring motor......
Daf In Scotland
• Northern Vehicle Distributors Ltd, Dalmarnock Trading Estate, Rutherglen, Glasgow, has been appointed DAF main dealer for central Scotland. It has also been made Scottish......
Irte Theme
• Environmental problems for road transport engineers in the United Kingdom and Europe will be the theme of this year's annual conference of the Institute of Road Transport......