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Q Could You Advise Me On The Following Points Regarding...
What is the case when a driver normally employed driving heavy goods vehicles does not, for some reason, drive an hgv of any class during the three-year period for which his......
N I Understand That New Trailers And ‘"°' Caravans First
used after July 1 1970 and all other trailers after July1 1972 must be fitted with two rear reflectors to Class Ill of the ECE regulation 3 or BS A U40 Li 11 or A U40 L111A I am......
Q Having Read The Article On "capital Gains Tax" (cm...
I run two limited companies and until recently, these were housed at separate addresses. Company "A" rented its premises from me and Company "B" owned its own premises. Both......
A With Reference To The Article "con
trolling Transport Operation" (CM Jan 7), could you tell me the address where more information on the Lorecord System of costing can be obtained? A You should apply to the......
Q As A Student Of Automobile Engineer
ing I have argued the case for a diesel engine with a hemispherical combustion chamber of the type used in high-output petrol engines, but have been advised without explanation......