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Nbc Appoints Chief General Managers
• Following the announcement of the reorganization of the National Bus Company's higher management structure (CM January 28), eight chief general managers have now been......
Compulsory Split Braking For Psv?
• Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, is considering compulsory split braking systems on coaches. He revealed this in the Commons last week after he had turned......
Lut Profit Up
• Lancashire United Transport Ltd made a post-tax profit of £181,020 for the year ended December 31, 1971, compared to £87,691 in the previous year. At the directors' meeting......
Tyneside Pte Takes Hospital Survey
• A survey of 20 hospitals on Tyneside is being undertaken by the Tyneside PTE this month. All hospital out-patients, in-patients and visitors will be asked to complete a simple......
East Kent Fares May Rise
• One-third of passengers on East Kent buses face an increase in fares on March 26 if an . application to be heard by the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners in Ramsgate on......
Government Honours Cash Pledge
• The Government's Transport (Grants) Bill, to re-imburse the National Bus Company and British Railways for the costs of complying with the CBI initiative on price restraint......