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Q I Have A 1954 Morris J2 Minibus
fitted with petrol engine. I use it only two or three days a week averaging 30 miles a week with occasional journey of 100 miles or so. I am thinking of changing over to a......
Q What Has Been The Trend In The Operat
ing costs per mile of a 30-cwt van over the past six years? The average weekly mileage is around 300, and the vehicles are fitted with diesel engines. A As shown in successive......
Q Conflicting Arguments Are Heard As To The Best Way Of...
A Although arithmetical calculations are involved in assessing depreciation, as indeed in all other items of operating costs, a misapprehension can arise in the use of the term......
Q Can Anything Be Done To Reduce The Danger Of A
long-wheelbase tipper being overturned by a high side wind when the body is fully elevated? A The danger is. of course, aggravated by lack of rigidity of the structure as a......
Q Does Electronically-controlled Petrol Injection Offer...
A Obviously, yes, if it can be made to work according to theoretical promise. The recently announced Associated Engineering electronic system should be acceptable to engine......
Q We Are Interested In The Comments Made In Commercial Motor
recently regarding the use of an exhaust brake and in particular the transmission-mounted electric retarder. We have just received an inquiry from overseas for information......
Q Who Makes Bucket Handling Equipment For Use With...
A Such equipment is available from Telehoist Ltd., Cheltenham, Glos., (Telehoist Load Lugger). There is the German Meiller produced here by Sheppard Fabrications Ltd., Rymer......
A I Have Noticed In Applications And
Decisions issued by the licensing authorities the phrase "to be hired". Can you tell me what the phrase means in this context as I would have thought that all vehicles other......