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Minister To Attend Lancs Conference
R EORGANIZATION of passenger transport services in South East Lancashire is to be discussed at a conference in Manchester on December 16 which will be attended by the Minister......
Roads Board Mooted
A NATIONAL Roads Board, charged with developing an adequate road system and divorced from other forms of transport, was advocated in Manchester on Wednesday by Mr. A. P. de......
Traffic Noise Under Study
THE Ministry of Transport is discussing with manufacturers and operators a preliminary draft of regulations about traffic noise said Mr. Stephen Swingler, the Parliamentary......
3,550 A Licences
TN the year ending September 30 the provisional total of A licences granted was 3,550. From October 1, 1963 to September 30 this year, 17 carriers' licences involving 72......
What's It All About, Barbara ?
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T ORY MPs are restlessly waiting to I "have a go" at Transport Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle after her trips to America and Paris. But "Madame......
Tackling Public Transport In Time
“WHAT interested me in free enterprise America was how easily they have accepted the concept of subsidies for public transport. In fact the Americans are being much more logical......