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Ita Looks At Education Snags
rr HE vital question of education in trans1 port was considered by the National Council of the Industrial Transport Association in Birmingham last Saturday. Difficulties......
Maintenance Warning For Co-ops
T HE executive committee of the Scottish Co operative Transport Association has issued a statement emph a sizin g the need for adequate, re g ular and recorded maintenance of......
Pla Tip On Timber T He Port Of London Authority Advises...
using the timber terminal at No. 34 Berth, Tilbury Docks, that all vehicles taking packaged timber be fitted with bolsters at least 4 in. square, as the forks of the trucks are......
Brs Supervisory Award Deferred
MANAGEMENT representatives of BRS a g reed last week at a meetin g of the National Joint Ne g otiatin g Committee to implement the 38-hour week for supervisory staffs on......
Turbine Trucks In The 1910s
Ford of America announces 375 h.p. engine V ORD OF AMERICA, convinced that the turbine engine will play an important part in trucks of the future, has announced a new 375 h.p.......
Vast Scope For More Efficient Timber Handling
Future trends discussed in TRADA report by John Darker, AMB1M A N interim report on softwood handling by the Timber Research and Development Association outlines the vast scope......