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Axe Falls On L.t.e.'s Maintenance Outlay
B US maintenance staff employed by London Transport will be reduced by the abolition of the full day dock formerly carried out every six months. A new system, based on thorough......
R.h.a. Approve Year's Publicity Campaign
1-- k A 12-MONTH publicity campaign, on behalf of free-enterprise hauliers, to begin on March 1, was approved last week by the national executive committee of the Road Haulage......
German Oilers To Be Built In Egypt
G ERMAN oil-engined lorries are to be built in Egypt. Klockner-HumboldtDeutz have signed an agreement with the Egyptian Government to build a factory. At the outset the works......
Seeing The Sights
E XCURSIONS to the Preston By-pass will be run from the centre of Preston this week-end by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. The slogan is: "Tour the full length of Britain's first......
Tax: Another M.p. Acts
A SKED by Sir W. Robson Brown (Cons., Esher), whether he would consider reducing purchase tax on commercial-vehicle chassis at an early date, Mr. F. J. Erroll, Parliamentary......
Hull General Manager Wants Single-deckers
A SUGGESTION that maximum ft. capacity single-deck trolleybuses should be introduced in Hull is being considered by the transport committee. Mr. G. H. Pulfrey, transport......