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, Appeal For Heavier Vehicles Rejected
A N appeal by J. Stamper and Co. (Haulage), Ltd., Penrith, who claimed that they needed stronger vehicles to cope with their traffic, was dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in......
Scheme To Cut Delays At Manchester Docks In Order To
minimize transport delays I at Manchester Docks, a new scheme will be introduced on January 1, whereby loading priority will be given to hauliers who specify the time their......
Mr. H. Rossington Resigns
I T was announced on Wednesday that • Mr. - H. Rossington. British Road Services' London district manager for general haulage, is relinquishing his appointment on medical......
42% Of Lorries Banned: Appeal _ By Mr. James
O F. 8,068 vehicles • eitamined in the West Midland , Traffic Area in 1957-58, 41.9 per cent. were Prohibited .The. figure for 1956-57 was 41.6 Per cent. and for 1955-56, 554......
11.t.c. To Borrow More
A BILL presented to the House of ft Commons on Tuesday increases the British Transport Commission's maximum borrowing powers from £600m. to £1,200m. It also allows the......
Hauliers Fined £20
EINES totalling £20 were imposed at Whittlesey, Cambs, on Monday, on Brian Alfred Jackson and Paul David Robinett, trading as Jackson and Robinett, hauliers, Kings Wyke,......
New Claim By London Busmen
TO keep well ahead of the wage i of • 1 provincial busmen, leaders of the Transport and General Workers' Union decided on Tuesday to press at once for an extra 2s. a week for......
Corporation Oppose Take-over Request
r LAI M I NC that their bus services \--• between Openshaw and the Trafford Park works of the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., were running below capacity, Manchester......
Dennis Meet Cqmpetition With New Ideas
QT1LL keener competition in thc commercial-vehicle market, both at home and abroad, is reported by Mr. David J. Grimes, chairman of Dennis Bros., Ltd., in his annual statement.......