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Used Petrol In Oil Engines, Court Told
T HE case against a Scottish bus pro . prietor accused of avoidin g £1,482, duty on oil fuel was adjourned at Alloa on Monday. The operator, Geor g e Gray, Clackmannan, who runs......
Haulier Fined: Blames His Mother
I - 1 A SCOTTISH haulier blamed his mother when he was accused at Alloa, last week, of exceedin g the radius of his B licence. Alex Davidson, Stirlin g Road, Tullibody,......
Contract Lorry Carried Back-load : £10 Fines
rA A LORRY operated on contract-A licence by a Welsh haulier was found to be displayin g a C licence when it was stopped on a return trip from Scotland, Ban g or ma g istrates......
Regulations For Preston By-pass
R EGULAT1ONS g overnin g the use of NPreston By-pass were laid before Parliament last Friday and come into force today. They prohibit the stoppin g of a vehicle on the carria g......
Unpainted Buses Unpopular
N O more unpainted buses are to be purchased by Edinbur g h Transport Department. Eleven 91 - e at present in use. Their operation was expected to save £25,000 in 10 to 15......
No Bus Lay-bys In City
A FTER investi g atin g the idea of havin g bus lay-bys in streets in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne, the transport committee have decided a g ainst the proposal on the g......