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Faster Goods Vehicles Ministry Proposals Soon
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT N ' speed limits for commercial vehicles are shortly to be proposed by Mr. Marples, Minister of Transport. I understand that, in the near......
Lim. Of New Plant For Thornycroft Works
O RDERS for more than Elm. worth of new machine tools have already been placed for installation in the Basingstoke works of Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd. This news was......
New " Tons" Otj "miles" ?
T HE bedrock of hauliers' costit charging—tonnage and mileage be altered if recent proposals quently . become effective. The Metric Panel of the Instit Weights and Measures......
• Cur Agreement West Germany
A S from February 5 next, the national road goods transport ment CMR will come into Co Federal Germany in respect of all 1 crossing road goods transport, v covered by the......