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Men In The News
Mr. C. T. Humpidge, general manager Of Sheffield Transport Department, has been elected chairman of the Yorkshire area of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association, in......
Leyland Group Reallocate Responsibilities
kLLOCATION of duties at d level is announced by the Motors group. enry Spurrier, chairman and ; director, will in future take over : sections of the organization, direction of......
Small And Parkes Reorganize
ippointments which came into on Monday with the reorgani' Small and Parkes, Ltd., the er friction materials manufacve been announced by The Cape Co., Ltd. The administrative......
The New Year Honours
A MONG the names appearing in the 1-1 New Year Honours List were the following:-- BARONS Sir Leonard Percy Lord. PRIVY COUNCILLORS Sir (George) Richard Hodges Nugent, . Joint......