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Transport Bill Bogging Down In Committee
NA P.s will go back to Parliament later this month to find the Government in ILLa tough mood, with several major non-transport Bills to force through. In standing committee......
No Licence For S Mall Bus Service
. A SKED by Mr, W. F. Quin, chairman rt of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, if he collected fares on his miniature bus service between Dalrymple and the new pit at Killoch,......
New Wage Calculator
T " new edition of that useful publication the "Headlight Wage Calculator" is now available price 3s. postage paid, from "Headlight," 46 Islington High Street, London, N. I.......
Bristol R.h.a. Movi
T HE area office of the Road Association in Bristol b moved from Albion Chambers t House, St. Georges Road, Bi Telephone numbers remain uncb Bristol 25424-5.......
Objectors Absent
B ECAUSE seven road object were present and represenh first hearing of a 12-vehicle ar by T. W. Bates (Aggregates), Stanwell, Middlesex. failed to a arrange their representation......