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S.m.t. Capital Repayment
I N a circular to stockholders of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., the secretary refers to the intimation in the annual ieport of the directors intention to recommend that......
Haulage Business Sold For 14,150
S OME days ago the haulage business of Messrs. S. W. Hedges, at Bushey Heath, Herts, was put up for sale by Messrs. Goddard and Smith, Motor Auction Mart, 70, , Seymour Place,......
Edinburgh Food Concerns Start A Delivery Pool Ollowing...
of a delivery pool by many of the leading Glasgow and Edinburgh stores, seven of the leading Edinburgh food concerns have formed their own City Food Delivery Pool, with......
I. Of T. Accepts "henry Spurrier " Memorial Trust Have...
Cadwallader, hon. secretary, the "Henry Spurner" Memorial Fund, information that the Institute of Transport, having been approached as a body suitable to accept the......
Personal Pars
MR, D. J, MORT has been appointed chief administrative officer of the civil defence transport service at Swansea. MR, 3. H. TURNER, 0.B.E., IlaS been elected chairman of the......