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L.p.t.b.• To Operate 20 Producer-gas Buses
L AST Tuesday, a demonstration was held of an L.P.T.I3. bus equipped to run on producer gas. It is the forerunner of a fleet of 20 that will be operated shortly from an Eastern......
Never Surrender—except Your Old Books And Papers!
L ECTURING recently before the Royal Society of Arts on "Making Use of Waste Products," Mr. J. C. Dawes, 0.13.E., Controller of Salvage (L.A.) Ministry of Supply, mentioned......
Maintenance Engineer Requires Position
A MAINTENANCE engineer of con1 — ksiderable experience in the servicing of commercial vehicles, both for goods and passengers, and with expert knowledge of oil engines, requires......
Scots Criticize Meattransport Scheme S Evere Criticism Is...
Scottish meat-trade circles of the " scandalous " waste of transport involved in the present system of sending live sheep into the north of England from the Scottish borders.......
Day's Pay Lost For A Few Minutes
B AD feeling amongst the drivers at the Stewartly depot of the London Brick Co., Ltd., is being engendered by what appears to be a somewhat autocratic ruling. Certain of tile......
Prominent Haulier's Views On A Rates Schedule
Wi AT he termed surprising results f - i i- om tests of the rates schedule formulated by the Nottingham Area Management Committee of the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool were......