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Men In The News
MR. H. E. G. HARVEY. has become publicity manager of Ferodo, Ltd. MR. D. J. A, DAVIES • has been appointed managing director of Weymann's. Ltd. MR. H. A. COOk has taken up the......
Undersealing For Protection
U NDERSEALING is a process by which a rubberized material, mixed to a semi-liquid form with a volatile spirit, is sprayed•from a gun on to the underneath parts of motor......
100,000 Tons Of Steel Wanted
IF the supply of raw materials enabled "the motor industry to use its productive capacity fully, it could make an even greater contribution to the export trade. Mr. G. E.......
8,000 Square Feet Of Spares Mo Hope Of Greater Supplies
of IN vehicles to the home market was foreseen. said Mr. C. H. Fisher, parts. sales and service director of Vauxhall Meitors, Ltd., when he opened a new spares department of......
Double Pensions To Cost £1,300
IN spite of a warning that another 'increase in fares may be necessary, Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council is to insert a clause in a new Parliamentary • Bill to.. double the staff......
10 M.p.h. Sign Dispute
(I N what is described as a danger1 - 1 ously narrow stretch of road in Ossett, the local corporation put up a, 10 m.p.h speed-limit sign. The Ministry of Transport is pressing......