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Resistance To State Control Must Go On
THERE could be no relaxation of the I efforts of the Omnibus Passengers' Protcetion Association to warn the public of the dangers of nationalization. The Association afforded......
• More S.a. Orders For Thornycrofts A N Order For
33 Thornycroft Trusty Pt four-wheeled heavy-duty petrolengined tractors has been received from the South African RailwaysRoad Motor Services by the local Thornycroft agents,......
Leyland The World's Biggest Exporter
A CLAIM that Leyland Motors, Ltd., was the world's biggest exporter of commercial chassis was made by Mr. D. G. Stokes, general sales manager, when he addressed the Motor Trades......
Lmech.e. Papers
P APERS to be read to local centres of the automobile division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers include the following:— " Experiences During 20 years of Oil-engine......
8-ft. Ruses For Belfast
T HE introduction of 8-ft.-wide buses is proposed by Belfast Transport Committee. A number of routes would be served by them. The committee has decided to recommend the council......
Leicester Might Lose Lim. If An Area Scheme Were Introduced
in I the Midlands, Leicester would lose well over Elm. Col. F. M. Mantle, chairman of the Leicester branch of the Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association, made this statement......
Now The Commer Mark V Van
A PART from minor chassis modificaLions and the addition of chromiumplated strips to the radiator grille and body sides, little change has been made to the Commer light van in......
Lo.t. London Meetings
L'UTURE meetings of the i'vletropoliI tan section of the Institute of Transport include the following: November 5, lecture by G. E. Sinclair on passenger transport in Athens:......
L.t.'s Football Buses
A s part of its drive to attract traffic, London Transport this autumn is to run special services for football supporters. Twenty-four return trips from 40 points in the Greater......