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New Stand-up-drive Battery-electric
A STAN D-U P-D R I VE battery.1t electric van has been built by Smith's Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne, for operation in Canada. One model is already being......
Passenger Commmee • Demanded
A RESOLUTION urging the Minister rtof Transport to reconsider the question of establishing a separate consultative committee for users of road passenger services was approved......
Unified Screw Thread Adopted Dpi Ublication By The British 1
Standards institution of Standards B.S. 1,768 and B.S. 1,769, marks a most important development in the work of standardization between Canada, the United States and this......
• I.t.a. Fixtures Cuture Meetings Of The London
branch of the Industrial Transport Association, which will be held at thd Royal Society of Arts, John Adam Street, London, W.C.1, at 6.30 p.m., include the following:— October......
25-mile Limit ,case: Court's Jurisdiction
H OWEVER much sympathy one might feel for hauliers affected by nationalization, the law had to be obeyed and licence conditions complied with. The Bilston magistrate made this......
I.m.i. Syllabus
T HE Glasgow region of the Institute of the Motor Industry has issued its lecture syllabus for the 1951-52 session. Meetings will he held at the Institution of Engineers and......