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Two Years To Change
AN ENGINEERING company has been given two years to come to terms with planning permission for its depot and to tackle a persistent problem with overloaded vehicles. West Midland......
Residents Fight Multi-use Depot
THREE associated Lancashire hauliers' plans to move into a site they have used as a trailer park for 17 years have run into strong opposition from two local authorities and a......
Tanks Meet Peak Milk Needs
'ME MILK Marketing Board is using polyethylene tanks to cope with peak traffic. PD Technical Mouldings, of Thornton Heath, Surrey, developed the Polytank, series of tank modules......
Dery Prices Change Again
THE VOLATILE state of the oil companies' pricing structure was revealed again last week when the major companies cut 0.5p from the price paid by hauliers for a litre of derv.......
Distribution Show Starts October 9
THE THIRD Distribution Services Show takes place at London's Wembley Conference Centre on Wednesday to Friday, October 9-11. Over 100 distribution service companies and......