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Wheel Problems
WITH REFERENCE to your write-up (CM. September 11), it is most disturbing for one who has had faith in the aforementioned journal's reporting to find, in this instance, that......
Dangerous Substances
SOME CONFUSION crept into your article "Danger regs delayed" (CM, September 7). The Road Tanker Regulations arc enforced on the road solely by the police. They do not,......
Australian Video View
WE READ with interest the article "Video test case lost" (CM, June 13). ft is very disappointing to see Target Travel lose its case regarding the carriage of videos on coaches.......
Calling Pre-60s Scammell Owners
DURING this year Bill Bromidge and I have formed a Scammell Register and we have over 64 members. If any of your readers would wish to join would they contact me at: 26 Sybil......