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Wheelchair Safety Call
WHEELCHAIR safety in passenger vehicles requires more attention, according to a study by the Federation of London Dial-a-Rides. The paper looks in detail at the......
Minibuses Keep On Coming . . .
THE FIRST National Bus Company urban minibus service in Norfolk started this week in Norwich. Eastern Counties has replaced a half-hourly city service with a five-minute service......
Leyland Shares Nbc Order
LEYLAND BUS has won more than half of the National Bus Company's business for full-size buses and coaches next year. The .0.5 million order is for 133 Leyland Tigers and 41......
Accountants Advise On Ptes
TI IF BIG city firm of accountants and management consultants, Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, is to advise the Department of Transport on how the bus services run by Passenger......
Staffs Firm Fined For Unauthorised Run
A STAFFORDSHIRE independent has been fined 1295 (including costs) for breaching road service licensing conditions and running an unauthorised service. Blue Bus Services......