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Square Pegs Still In Round Holes
.Y OUR article eulogizing the R.A.S.C., which I presume you published at the request of the War Offi&, coupled with Sir Malcolm Campbell's broadcast appeal for drivers, would......
Cost Of Running A Workpeople's Bus Service P Lease Advise Me
as to the cheapest rate at which 1 could run a workpeople's service. This would have to bear the whole cost of operation as no other work is available. I have three vehicles,......
Advantages Of Welded Construction
THE Admiral Graf Spec, which• has been so much in the news of late, is the most recent of the Itree German 10,000-ton "pocket battleships," and, like her sister ships, is almost......
I,000-mile Trial Of Producergas Vehicle
your issue of December 9 appeared a small notice I to the effect that a certain gas-producer vehicle was to be put through a week's test of 1,000 miles, including a run over......
Difficulties With Coaches On Hire-purchase
A LTHOUGH I have been a regular reader of your paper for many years, this is the first time I have had to ask your advice. It is in connection with the hire-purchase of several......