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40,000 German Lorries To Run On Gas
A S many as 40,000 German lorries will be running on gas in the first few days of January, declares the official German news agency. Increasing numbers of lorries are to be seen......
Illuminated Kerbs Experiment
E XPERIMENTS with a type of hollow . kerbstone, emitting a horizontal light on to the road surface, which should prove a real help to motor users and pedestrians—if pedestrians......
Hire Rates For A.r.p. Taxicabs
F INCHLEY A.R.P. Committee .1' recently considered a communication from the Home Office (Fire Brigades Division) stating that, in connection with the use of taxicabs, agreement......
Brush-koela Gas-producer Distributor For Scotland
W E learn that the Scottish Motor Traction Co., 'Ltd., has been appointed distributor for Scotland, Cumberland and Westmorland of BrushKoela Duo-Draught gas-producers for road......
United Service Transport Has Good Year
T HE net pro fi t of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., in the year ended September 30 last, was 217,506, compared with 29,978 in the previous year; this figure was arrived......
Vehicle Auction Sales Resumed .
THE motor mart of Messrs. Goddard and Smith, at. 70, Seymour Place, Bryanston Square, London, W.1, which was requisitioned as an ambulance station on the outbreak of war, has......
New American Stainless - Steel Trailer F Rom America, We...
Fruehauf Trailer Co. will shortly place on the market a new line of stainless-steel commercial trailers. According to the company, this programme is the result of arrangements......
Lancs Operators Consolidated By Difficulties S Ince The...
various operators, previously unattached, have joined the joint organization, states the annual report of the C.M.U.A. and East Lancashire R.T.A. Nevertheless, others have......