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Hauliers" Want Their Heads Knocking Together"
THE suggestion that Holland (Lin colnshire) hauliers " want their heads knocking together because they have no interest in their own survival," was made by a speaker at a......
Liverpool Carters Accept Wages Offer
AEMBERS of the Liverpool Carters Mand Motormen's Union, on Sunday last, rejected by a small majority a proposal to tender notices in support of their application for an......
Scottish Haulier's Extension G Lasgow Dean Of Guild Court...
permission to Young's Express Deliveries, Ltd., the haulagecontracting concern of Gordon Street, Paisley, to carry out a scheme of additions and alterations to its depot at......
Doncaster Rates Meeting To-morrow T He Question Of...
particularly in Doncaster and district, will be considered at a meeting of operators on Sunday next, January 7, in the Danum Hotel, High Street, Doncaster, at 10.30 a.m. The......
Petrol For Business Cars
I T is suggested by the Standing Joint Committee that any member of an association whose business is suffering because of the insufficiency of the petrol ration allowed for......
New Registrations For August And September
A LTHOUGH the figures relating to the registrations of new vehicles are not now officially issued by the Ministry of Transport, owing to the war, the S.M.M. and T. has......
Gas Company Turns To Gas
MITI-I its customary enterprise the W Cleethorpes Gas Co. is now demonstrating the first goods vehicle in the locality to be run on town's gas in the present emergency. It is a......
Preston Haulier's New Address
A S from Monday last (January 1), the headquarters of H. Viney and Co., Ltd., the well-known concern of haulage contractors and forwarding agents, have been at 65, Water Lane,......
Part-year Licensing Modifications
A NEW Part-year Licensing Order came into force on January 1. A licence may be taken out : (1) For any period commencing before October 1 and expiring on December 31, the duty......