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Fears Over Area Schemes Spread: Manchester Among Objectors
O THER parts of the country are beginning to realize that if the proposed scheme for passenger transport in the northern area were to become an accomplished fact, other schemes......
Guys To Be Built In India
A N arrangement by which Guy vehicles will be assembled in India has been agreed between Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, and Mahindra and Mahindra, Ltd., Bombay. The latter......
Leyland Gains Big Market
B RIGHTER prospects for exports to South Africa are expected by Leyland Motors, Ltd., this year. According to a statement issued by the company, it has been granted 25 per cent.......
Call For More New Vehicles
A WARNING to the Government riconcerning old vehicles still in service because of restrictions in the supply of new ones was given by Sir George Kenning, chairman and managing......
New Research Laboratory A Modern Research Laboratory Has...
built at Burton-on-Trent by the British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., and will function on behalf of the B.T.R.Silvertown group under the direction of Dr. J. Tudor, M.Sc. Mr. C. R.......