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Peak-hour Congestion Cripples Manchester's Bus System
It/TM-WEEK football matches and Christmas crowds in the city have recently brought a series of crises to Manchester's transport. A week before the holiday, traffic jams were a......
Will B.t.c. Charges Scheme Work ?
A LTHOUGH the standardization of rates and charges might appear sound in theory, difficulties would ensue in practice, said Mr. C. E. Jordan, chairman of the Birmingham Chamber......
I.r.t.e. Meetings This Month Cuture Meetings Of The...
Road Transport Engineers include the followingt—January 7, annual dinner-dance of the Scottish centre at Ca' Doro Restaurant, Glasgow, 6 p.m.; January 19, lecture on springing......
R.h.e. Buys A Hotel The Road Haulage Executive Has Purchased
the Marlborough Hotel, a 25-room private establishment in Richmond Gardens, Bournemouth, for use as a divisional headquarters. The transfer of ownership is due to take place......