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Treasury Catches Tax Dodgers
ik NEW Order designed to prevent the evasion of purchase tax on utility vehiclevhas been made by the Treasury. It provides that any road vehicle, other than one specifically......
B Licence For Caravan Haulage ,,,, ; ,, T He East Midland...
Authority has granted Mr. E. W. Jackson, managing director,, of the Ferry Yachting Station, Radcliffe-onTrent, a B licence to haul caravans and boats within a radius 'of 15......
More Austin Service Weeks
„ . F OLLOW1NG the success' of similar 1 functions in other towns, a programme of Austin service weeks has been arranged as follows:—February 27-March 4, H. A. Saunders, Ltd.,......
1.0.t. Examinations And Meetings
E x AMINATIONS of the Institute of Transport Will take place 'On May' I; 2 and 3. Entry forms may be obtained from the secretary, 80, Portland Place, London, W.I. Closing date......
New Chloride Company
A 4ANUFACTUR1NG and selling "V" activities principally carried out under the trade names Chloride, E,xide, Exide-Ironclad and Drydex, have been transferred by the directors of......
Road And Rail Must Pay Their Way
ACH form of transport must pay its own way, and as an alternative to increasing freight rates, the possibility of reducing the labour force of 750,000 men on the railways should......
Small Drop In Registrations ' N October, New...
vehicles, other than cars and motorcycles. numbered 14,166, compared with 15,075 in September. As shown in the following table, 150,452 vehicles were registered for the first......