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• Temperatures Rise And Blood Boils As The Search Continues
for a suitable name for the second Severn crossing. Suggestions by the hundred are pouring into the Cardiff offices of the Confederation of British Industry and the judges (fine......
• Readers Will Remember My Recent Warning Regarding...
moose. From moose we rn000ve (sic) to bulls. It seems that a bright red fire engine in Dorpstraat, Belgium was recently attacked by a bull and suffered £4,000 damage.......
• A Brand New Volvo Fl6, A Kind-hearted Driver And
a caring Whitstable haulage company, all come together for the first two weeks of September in an effort to help a tragically paralysed six-yearold to walk again. The `D'......
• A Man Escaped Relatively Unharmed After A Six-tonne...
chassis drove out of an assembly line and ran over his left foot. George Addison from Strathclyde was standing on the roadway discussing work with another employee when the......
• The Safe Lifting And Transportation Of A Magnificent But
fragile 18ft long model of the QE2 — complete with glass case — was a task successfully undertaken recently by the Glasgow branch of Pickfords Industrial. The W,000 model was......
• I Raise My Hat To John Fairfax Of Learn
Cottage Farm, Grindleford Derbyshire. Fairfax, an unemployed lorry driver, has come up with an idea which will make full use of his driving skills — and add some olde worlde......