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Few 'shock' Bands
• Sachs Automatic Components has launched an aftermarket shock absorber package including over 200 new references in a new catalogue of over 1,600 part numbers in standard and......
Sockets Blistered
• Sykes-Pickavant has introduced a range of new sockets manufactured in chrome vanadium steel. The new sockets are clearly marked and packaged on the new "fob-type" strap......
Uv Light Discovers Leaks
• Ultra-Violet Products is marketing a product to detect leaks in any closed liquid system within minutes using the properties of fluorescent chemicals under UV light. A......
3m Protects Spot-weld Seals
• When spot-welding automatic panels it is important to ensure that even the curved parts make good contact and that the welded joint is totally sealed and protected against......
Fast Modules Test
• Lucas Automotive's electronic ignition module analyser is a hand held tester to indicate in a matter of seconds whether a module is faulty or not. It is designed for use with......
Filter Alternative
• The Filtermist Tliminatoi filtration system is said to bi the first low-cost alternative ti refrigerant dryers that guaran teees to provide 1009 moisture-free air at the point......
Save Tyre Beads
• Hammer-damage to tyr beads has been eliminate( claims BandagR, with it Bandag-Gaither lightweigh bead saver kit, consisting of few simple, strong tools, work ing on......
Microfonic Deteci
• Microfonic of Great Yai mouth, Norfolk, has extende the guarantee period on it range of ultrasonic leak detec . ing equipment to five years. Design improvements to th......