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London Buses Angbourne/hodson Odney Pangbourne Is The...
London uses, taking over from Clive odson who became managing rector earlier this year. Pangbourne joins from Lonin Regional Transport (LRT) here he was responsible for I......
Chart Istribution )ngstaff Orge Longstaff Has Been...
of dditch-based, Chart Dis)ution Services, a member the Lex Services Group. Longstaff joined Chart in 36 to set up the contract dismtion division which was :rged this year with......
• Brs Southern Ravenhall Jon Ravenhall Is Promoted To...
rental manager for BRS Southern. He also joins the company's management committee. The former company truck rental manager's responsibilities have extended from overseeing BRS......
• Ackers Jarrett Sudbury Completing The New Management...
Ackers Jarrett, the West Midlands-based commercial vehicle contract hire and rental services group, is John Sudbury, who joins as general manager of the specialist waste......
• Camberley Auto Factors Mills/streeter Dave Mills Is...
Factors' new general manager of its commercial vehicle spares operation in Colnbrook. He has 20 years' experience in parts, gained from Truckline (Dana) and Duron. Andrew......
• National Car Auctions Hope/richardson National Car...
Simon Hope is promoted to manager of NCA Haydock, responsible for all operations and sales. He joined the NCA Group in March 1988 as assistant manager at Haydock. John......
• Abels International Bishop Denis Bishop Fills The...
He was previously general manager — management services, with the Construction Industry Training Board.......
• Lynx Express Troy Philip Troy Has Been Promoted From
operations manager of Lynx Express's Leyland branch, to branch manager at Dundee. He joined the company in 1985, as a sales executive in London, in 1986 he transferred to the......
• Federal Express Ward/lawther Home Delivery Company,...
He joined from Leaderflush Doors, a subsidiary of Whitecroft plc, where he was administration manager for five years. Neil Lawther has transferred from Federal Express Priority......