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Liquid Assets
• Crowthers Livestock laulage of Hereford has one into liquidation: its issets are being sold by lijuidator Eddie Hunt of Edyards Little and Co. Crowhers was set up in 1980.......
:hristmas Cheer I United Carriers Internaional Subsidiary...
a 2.70,000 threelay contract with Family tampers to deliver Christnas hampers throughout he UK.......
Fransporting More I Durham-based In A ;iendinning Has...
of an ERF El0 carransporter to cope with a :0% increase in its car devery business. It transrafted 50,000 vehicles this rear.......
Nestern Branch
▪ BRS Western has in rested £7 million on a new iranch at Swindon, which viii open next September. Ile site will offer contract tire, truck and trailer renal, freight......
'leet Expands
▪ HDL Contract Hire ilans to expand its fleet rom 800 to more than L,000 vehicles by 1991, ays director and general nanager, David Ogden. He wedicts that HDL will be me of the......
Bigger Home For Bishop
• Bishop's Move Group has continued to expand outside the household and commercial removals markets by winning a contract with the Christie Tyler Group to run its new home......
Gkn Wins Big Ibc Deal
• GKN Axles' Salisbury division has won its largest contract to date, worth over ,217 million a year, to supply axles to IBC Vehicles in Luton. GKN will invest £15.5 million,......
Exel Lights-up • El Logistics Industrial Has Wan A...
It has bought 12 vehicles for the work. Daily deliveries are made throughout the Midlands and southern UK, from Osram's distribution centre in Wembley and from Exel's depots in......