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Ork In Armitage's Neck Of The Woods
ORK has designed a new range of low-height semi-trailer chassis aimed at giving greater cubic capacity within the overall 4.2m (13ft 9in) height limit recommended by Armitage.......
Ampliroll Gets A Lift
A TAILOR MADE version of the Ampliroll vehicle-mounted wastehandling system has been put into service by the Staffordshire County Council. Two new vehicles have been designed to......
M-b Offers Longer Sleep
A SLEEPER cab option for its longer-wheelbased 16and 24-ton models has been introduced by Mercedes-Benz. One of the results of the 450km (280-mile) daily driving restriction,......
Eaton Up Courses
THE SERVICE training depar ment of Eaton Truck Compc nents Group Marketing is e) panding its programme o product training courses. Fifteen different RTITB-al proved courses are......
Four Show
PERKINS will be exhibiting range of engines covering power band of 33 to 190kW (4 to 255bhp) at the Internatioru Construction Exhibition at th NEC. Among the engines on viel......