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Hauliers Find Some Joy In Training Bill
HE ROAD Haulage Association has given a guarded welcome to he Employment and Training Bill which had its first reading last Neek. While it is waiting with baited )reath for the......
Less Speed, More Live?
'HE EUROPEAN Commission as come out against proposals or reducing maximum speed mits or standardising the highway codes in the ten member ountries. In an answer to a written......
Costs Up 17pc: Rha
ROAD HAULAGE costs i creased by 17 per cent last yea and by 16 per cent for the ha year from January to Jun according to the Road Haula Association. The RHArs price moveme......
No Extras For Stonefield
NO SPECIAL Government aid for Stonefield Vehicles, still in th hands of receiver Bill Brownlie, was promised by the Governmen when the fate of the Scottish firm was raised in......
Ez Spells Danger
ENTERPRISE ZONES could harm existing hauliers, according to the Road Haulage Association which has finally expressed an opinion on the Government's plan. A spokesman told CM......