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• The second AEF international automotive show is due to take place at the Istanbul World Trade Centre in Turkey between 14 and 18 May 1997. The show is organised by the German......
Delivery Package
• Continued growth in TK Packaging's cardboard manufacturing and supply business has led it to add three more delivery vehicles to its fleet of five. The new Renaults, two......
Brake Assist Has Power
by John Kendall • Lucas Varity and Mercedes-Benz have won the Prince Michael Technology award for the jointly developed Brake Assist system. Brake Assist will take control of......
Key Pad Voice Enquiry Added To Tracker Kit
• Basildon-based Integrated Security Group has introduced a voice enquiry service for its Tracer vehicle location and monitoring system. The operator-free Enquire system is......
Fresh Trailers For Veg
• Cambridgeshire vegetable grower Albert Bartlett and Sons has taken delivery of two Lawrence David refrigerated curtainsider triaxle trailers. The trailers will be used to......
Wisbech Triaxles Replace Eight-wheelers
• BOCM PauIs is planning to replace a fleet of eight-wheeler rigids used for animal feed distribution in the West Country with Wisbech Bulk Systems triaxle trailers equipped......