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German Makers' .world Position Better
G ERMAN manufacturers of caramecial vehicles last year improved their relative position in world markets because output in the United States, the United Kingdom and Italy was......
Mr. Nelson Hears Of Happy Hauliers
W HEN Western Transport, Ltd., Bristol, applied for two A-licence articulated outfits last week, Mr. S. W. Nelson. Western Licensing Authority, asked why no private hauliers had......
Vehicles Differ From Authority's. Records
S OME vehicles described in an application by W. Metcalfe and Sons (Transport), Ltd., Darlington, did not agree with those in the Northern Licensing Authority's records, it was......
Heaviest Heavy?
W ITH a laden weight of 1991 tons and a capacity of 80 cu. yd., a converted Euclid LLD, operated by the Western Contracting Corporation, Sioux City, lows, is claimed to he the......
Assent For Bus Bills
A BILL to enable local authorities to PA help bus undertakings to provide bus shelters and queue barriers on remote routes in Scotland has received the Royal Assent. It is the......
Birmingham Road Plan
P LANS for an underpass to relieve . traffic congestion at Six Ways, Aston. Birmingham, arc being prepared by Birmingham Public Works Committee at the Ministry of Transport's......