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"move Covent Garden Market ": T.a.c. Dispute Runciman Report
" IF the traffic problems associated with Covent Garden are ever to be satisfactorily solved, the market should be moved entirely to another site," says the report for 1957 of......
Wallace Arnold Seek More Excursions
B Y ingenuity and hard work, Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., were trying to attract traffic from their competitors through offering the "ginger bread." This was claimed last week by......
£1084m. Spent On Roads In • England And Wales A/tore Than...
roads in England and, Wales during the year ended March 31, 1957. This was an increase of . €10m. over the previous year. Altogether, 1,247 road improvement schemes were started......
Blackpool Bus Cuts
W INTER bus and tram services operated by Blackpool Corporation are to be cut by about 200,000 miles, if the North Western Traffic Commissioners agree. The corporation hope to......