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Authority Urged To Curb Heavy Haulage Tractor Strength
ALTHOALTHO UGH Licensing Authorities had no jurisdiction over the weight UGH special A-licence trailers, they should keep control of heavy haulage .by curbing tractor strength.......
More Pay For Vehicle Builders?
A N application for an increase in the pay of vehicle builders will be discussed in London between workers' and employers' representatives on August 20. Wages were previously......
Unions Show Their Teeth. 'the Confederation Of...
Engineering. Unions will be asked by the Amalgamated Engineering Union and the Electrical Trades Union, at the Confederation's conference at Paigaton which opens next Tuesday,......
London Busmen Not To Aid Economy
f - IELEGATES of London busmen L./ decided unanimously last Friday not to co-operate with London Transport in reducing road services by 9 per cent, to meet a drop in passenger......
L.t.e. To Use Castor Oil Rastor Oil Is To Be Used As A Rear
axle lubricant by the London Transport Executive. As a preliminary test, 1,358 double-deckers, representing a fifth Of the fleet, are to use castor oil, and it is expected that......
0,800,000 New Buses
THE fleet of buses operated. by New castle upon Tyne Corporation is to be renewed by .1970 at a cost of £1,800,000. The first part of the programme will be from 1960 to 1965,......