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No Stopping Powers For Inspectors
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Government last week successfully resisted attempts by Labour M.P.s to give weights and measures inspectors powers to stop vehicles on the......
Restrictions On Railway Road Services
M R. MARPLES last week described the terms under which the Railways Board is being allowed to operate certain road goods services. Answering a Commons question from Mr. Geoffrey......
Five-year Tests T He Minister Of Transport Made An Order On
Wednesday extending the requirement for annual tests to include five-year-old motor vehicles. The order, subject to the approvernent of Parliament, will come into effect next......
'rail And Road Both Indispensable' T He National Coal...
be told that a larger proportion of coal was to be railborne, in view of the • present difficulties in road haulage, suggested by Mr. Harold Neal (Labour, Bolsover) in the......
Complaints Against N.c.b. Vehicles
UR. RICHARD WOOD, the Minister IVI of Power, last week declined to give a general direction to the National Coal Board to transport colliery waste and slurry by means which......
Ministry To Collate Road Reports W Hen The Cold Weather Is
over the Ministry of Transport will start collating reports on how the situation was met all over the country. The information had already started to conic in, said Lord......
Exhaust Fume Research D Eviewing Research Into The Corn' N.
batting of diesel exhaust fumes, Mr. Denzil Freeth said this week there was no evidence that these fumes produced cancer or chronic bronchitis. But this was no excuse for......