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R.h.a. Council Approves Rail Co-operation Inquiry
S UGGESTIONS that there should be detailed exploration of the areas of potentially fruitful co-operation between British Road Services, British Railways and the Road Haulage......
Tough Test For Dutch Hauliers
S INCE 1954, when the Dutch licensing system was introduced, the carrying capacity of their haulage industry had increased by approximately 100 per cent, said Mr. W. M.......
Approval For Fuel Marking System
THE Customs and Excise Depart' ment last week gave the "thumbs up' to the marking system introduced early last year to distinguish gas oil from diesel road fuel. The systern,......
Minister To Attend T.r.t.a. Dinner The Minister Of...
accepted an invitation to be the guest of honour at this year's annual dinner of the Traders' Road Transport Association. Among others who have accepted an invitation to be......
Rees Jeffreys Award A Ppl1cation Forms Are Now Available...
Rees Jeffreys Studentship at The London School of Economics which will enable the suitable candidate to devote at least a year to research into the economics of transport.......