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Standee Bus Position Clarified
Tri E Ministry of Transport's requirenents for the operation of buses specially constructed or adapted to carry more than eight standing passengers have been made clearer in a......
Long-service Tributes: 15 Members Of The Staff Of The...
and District Motor Services' staff attained 40 years' service last year. Awards to these and other members of the staff were presented recently at a dinner in Maidstone.......
New Bus Dept: Work Will Shortly Begin On The North
Western Road Car Co.'s new bus depot at Buxton, Derbys. By December, accommodation will be provided for 40 36-ft. vehicles.......
Leicester Bus Order: Leicester City Transport Department...
order for 20 74-seater buses costing about £6,000 each, and will take delivery during 1964. A replacement programme of vehicles covering five years is now being carried through.......
£360,000 Bus Depot: Sunderland Corporation Transport...
plans for a new bus depot, estimated to cost £360,000. There will be accommodation for 200 buses.......
Safety Awards : Further Presentations Of Safety Awards To...
Red drivers and conductors, the third and fourth of the current series, were made on January 15 and 28 in Birmingham. B20......
Fit-and-forget Front Suspension For P.m.t. Buses
F OLLOWING the official opening of the new Cheadle bus station of The Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd., by Mr. J. Else, the chairman of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners,......
Liverpool Atlanteans Enter Service A Lthoijgh The...
Industrial Council has turned down a claim by Liverpool Corporation bus crews for extra payment for operating the larger 78-seater Atlantean buses, the new vehicles started......