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Workshop 'grinding Machines
MOW available in the United Kingdom I 11 is a new range of Cordia bench and pedestal mounted workshop grinding machines. These grinders are of Continental origin and are......
Torsion Bar For Taildoors
A TORSION bar to aid the closin g of PA heavy taildoors by one man is now offered as an optional extra on Edbro hydraulic tailboard loaders. The first unit to be fitted with a......
Rolls-royce Suspension System
S ELF LEVELLING suspensions 1--) employing hydraulic pumps are liable to sink when the engine is not running and to limit this is the aim of a scheme shown in patent No.......
Hydrostatic Drive With Transverse Engine
DATENT No. 909,622 discloses details of an all-hydraulic transmission sysem. (The Austin Motor Co. Ltd., 1.ongbridge, Birmingham.) The drawin g shows a plan view of the ayout in......
• Flexible Shuttering For Vans
O NE of the uses for flexible shutterin g described in patent No. 905,937 is for closing the rear of a van. It consists of corrugated sheets, flexible in one plane but rigid in......
Ferguson Combustion Head
P ATENT No. 908,258 discloses details of a combustion head intended particularly for petrol en g ines havin g large dia meter short-stroke pistons. (Harry Ferguson Research......