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In A Line Or Two
A special sale of passen g er vehicles and delivery vans will take place at Measham. near Burton-on-Trent, on December 13. The address of L. A. Rothwell and Co. has been chan g......
Clearing Hous
es and R.H.E. B EFORE the end of the year, the National Conference of Road Trans, port Clearing Houses hopes to meet the Road Haula g e Executive to discuss ways of providin g......
Lord Nuffield On Export Polley
" N O industry can build a healthy and increasin g export trade on a crumblin g domestic market, which is, and must be, the foundation stone of sound and pro g ressive......
Is The Double-decker Doomed?
A SINGLE-DECK 40-seater bus 1"-i* is bein g tested by Edinbur g h Transport Department. It is an M.C.W. chassisless model embodyin g Leyland components, The en g ine is......
C-licence Fleets Still Increase
T HE number of vehicles re g istered for operation under C licences durin g October, 1949, was 7,948. Of this total, the number of new vehicles was 7,046, an increase of 1,216......
Day's Work Lost Through Speed Limit
H EAVY vehicles operatin g between 'Glas g ow and Aberdeen are losing the equivalent of a day's work a week because of the 20 m.p.h. speed limit. The mana g in g director of a......
Glasgow Bus Census
B US companies runnin g services into Glas g ow are co-operatin g in a census to ascertain the point of ori g in of travellers, with a view to improvin g the services to and......