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Cement Co. Supports Free Enterprise
INSISTENCE by the Cement Market' ing Co., Ltd., that anti-nationalization posters should be displayed on vehicles carrying heavy plant from the Metropolitan-Vickers works at......
Supporting • Local Hauliers E'uture Housing Contracts...
Town Council will include a stipulation that contractors shall give local hauliers the opportunity of tendering for work. Where the local price quoted and the vehicles to be......
Production Engineers Visit Clayton Dewandre
T INCOLN sub-section of the InstittlL, lion of Production Engineers recently paid a visit to the works of the Clayton Dewandr.e Co.. Ltd. The party fneluded the chairman, Mr. T.......
Petrol—ahead Of Schedule
B PGUN in the first half of 1948, and not expected to come "on stream" until January, 1950, at the earliest, the new Shell refinery at Stanlow, near Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, is......
Next Week's Appeals
T WO appeals against deeiSions of the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority are due for hearing before the Appeal Tribunal on December 13 and 15. The Railway Executive is a......
Trams On Joint Services To Go
S UBJECT to road services licences and other necessary permission beinq obtained, the Gateshead and District Tramways Co., Ltd., and Newcastle Corporation propose to replace......
R.fle, Denies " Snooping "
D ENYING an allegation in a London newspaper that the Road Haulage Executive had " seized " the personal mail of private owners of haulage businesses transferred to the British......
The Law Up To Date
A SUPPLEMENT to the" Transport Act, 1947, as it Affects Road Transport," by 0. W. Quick Smith, LL.B., has been published by the Thames Bank Publishing Co., Ltd. It contains......