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Q I Have A (economics) Degree And Am Expecting Soon
to enter the passenger transport industry. What is the appropriate professional body for me to join? A We recommend the Institute of Transport which has headquarters at 80......
Q What Are The Capital Liabilities Of The Transport...
A Under the provisions of the Transport Act 1 962 the THC assumed, on the transfer to it of certain property, rights and liabilities of the British Transport Commission, a......
Q In The Commercial Motor Tables Of
Operating Costs minimum remuneration for a basic working week is included in the standing costs regardless of the variation in average weekly mileages. Obviously overtime must......
In The Article "what It Costs To Run" In The
Farm Transport Supplement issued with CM November 24, you show interest charged on the initial outlay of the vehicle. I suggest that interest should be charged on half the......
I Have Heard That The Dualmatic Pro .ducts Co. Of
Longmont, Colorado, USA, manufacture a dual-drive hub that can be manually adjusted to step-up the drive ratio. Do any accessory manufacturers in this country produce a drive of......
N As Further Discussion Of Road And Rail Track Costs
seems likely, are there any official figures—as distinct from figures claimed by vested interests—as to the payments made by road users in the form of taxation? And how do......
G Can You Please Tell Me The Reasons
for the growing popularity of the double-reduction spiral-bevel final drive over the worm and crown wheel type for heavy commercial vehicles? A The former has a number of......