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Government To Abolish Records For Light Vehicles On...
THE Government is to introduce an 1 amendment to the Road Traffic Bill by which drivers of all C-licensed vehicles (irrespective of occupation) not exceeding 16 cwt. unladen,......
Minister Dismisses Coach Appeals
COMMENTING that "one of the 1 .--• fundamental usages of the licensing system is that the applicant ought to prove his case with evidence," the Minister of Transport in a......
London Busmen To Vote On Pay Offer
From Our Industrial Correspondent TROUBLE over the London busmen's claim is by no means over yet. A special delegate conference of the men, held at the London regional......
"the Aeroplane And Commercial Aviation News"
Q 11. associated weekly journal, The Aeroplane and Astronautics, will in future concentrate entirely on civil aviation and is to appear in a new format next Thursday, March 15.......