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Care Needed Before Shipment
I OPERATE a forwarding business with trucking opera tions with my own vehicles, and I have at present eight English-built trucks and vans, but I have found that, without......
Quick Coupling For Stabilizers
WE enjoyed readin g your correspondent's report in your issue of February 23 on Adrolic stabilizers used by the Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd. In fairness to our product, however,......
Drivers —and Overtime
\/ VOUR correspondent "Trade Unionist" is rather biased OUR his letter (The Commercial Motor, January 26, 1962) against the employer. Be fair, if drivers are in a union they......
Any Kind Of Model
WITH reference to your "Bird's Eye View" commen t V V about model kits for lorries; Wilson's used to advertise quite a lat in a well-known boys' magazine, but they do not seem......
Commercial Vehicle Modelling Still Alive
WAS very interested in your comment on January 12, I 1962, referring to the Wilson model lorry kits. As a model maker, by 'hobby, I can recall these kits, but did not actually......